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Sometimes I play a game and want to write something down: my little "studies and research" on it. Nothing really important here, really; just my own little discoveries or notes on video games I play.
+Nova Builds
Slow Nova (Slowva) and Speed Nova
It has never come to my realization how good Nova can be at Defense missions, until I got into a matchmaking game with one of them. That Nova made the entire mission a breeze, with the damage multiplier and speed boost from Molecular Prime and a Speed Nova build.

Slow Nova
For a Slow Nova build, it's all about Duration and Strength. The slowness effect from Molecular Prime will cap at 145%, at which enemies will no longer become slower since the speed debuff cannot exceed 75%. Duration is important so that Molecular Prime will last as long as possible without having to recast so often. This kind of build is useful for higher tier Defense missions, where enemies can dish out lots of damage and it's important to slow down their speed and fire rate to take them out more easily. Slowing them down makes it easier to defend the objective.

Speed Nova
For a Speed Nova build, it's all about having the lowest Strength possible. For a max Rank Nova, having Ability Strength less than -30% will be a negative speed debuff which actually speeds up enemies. This build is useful for lower tier defense missions, so that enemies can get to the objective quicker and can be killed quicker for faster rounds.

Tank Nova
Nova's obviously very squishy. Her defensive capabilites for herself are pretty low, but can be heightened with mods that increase Duration and decrease Range. These mods will greatly affect Nova's Null Star ability so that they'll stay on Nova for as long as possible, and Nova can have as many Null Stars orbiting her so that she can have the maximum reduction to her health. This would make Nova more tanky than usual, so she can sustain longer as long as she stays away from enemies so that the Null Stars don't attack enemies.

Nova is a very good frame, mostly recognized for Molecular Prime, but her other abilities can also prove useful for other types of missions. Most importantly, however, is just her Molecular Prime.
+Dishonored 2/
+New Game+ Build(s)
Bloodfly Dependent
Dishonored 2 isn't much of a game for "builds," so to speak. There aren't really certain stats or whatever that you can spec into, but there are powers and special perks that you can spec into, and if well thought out, they perfectly synchronize with each other and can make you an unstoppable killing machine.

Bloodfly Dependent
I call this "Bloodfly Dependent" because 1) it depends on Bloodflies and 2) I can't really come up with a better name. It's better to do this build in a New Game+ file once every Bonecharm perk has been found, or at least just Spiritual Sacrifice and Blood Sacrifice, because that's what you need. You also need the Enhancements Shadow Kill with Bloodfly Swarm and Bonecharm Crafting with Trait Synergy. In Bonecharm Crafting, craft 2 Bonecharms, one with all four slots being Spiritual Sacrifice and the other with all four slots being Blood Sacrifice. And that's it. Every enemy killed explodes into Bloodflies, which will distract other enemies and leave them open to killing, which in turn makes even more Bloodflies. Those Bloodflies can also be killed to replenish Health and Mana efficiently. The only downside to this build is that it is less effective on witches, as they can walk among Bloodflies without being attacked by them, so they won't be distracted, but those Bloodflies are still available for killing for Health.